I am using docker to use orientdb. Using in my localhost i managed to insert data to the database using
OServerAdmin serverAdmin = new OServerAdmin("remote:localhost:2424").connect("root","password");
However, when i try to do the same thing using docker container i manage to connect create the database but i cannot insert my data
OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory("remote:").setupPool(1,10);
OrientGraph graph = factory.getTx();
Any ideas about why I can connect and create a database using the API but cannot insert any data?
I ran console.sh and connected to my docker container like this CONNECT remote: root password and i tried to insert a vertex and it worked.
Documentation about how to run the orientDB docker container:
You are running with this command:
docker run --name cartoesPagamentoTeste -v /orientdb/config -it orient db:latest server.sh
you're not exposing ports to localhost and it seems you are providing a config folder as volume: as stated on the doc page, if you provide (aka override) a config folder that is empty, orient will start with a very minimal configuration.
So, please, read docs linked above carefully AND read docker docs.