I just finished my C# project(WPF), but now I meet problems on using "obfuscar" (another applicaion would be welcome, if easier to use).
Of course I looked already on internet for it, but didn't find a documentation "for newbies"...
I also tried to use BasicExempleExe provided with obfuscar from github, then some questions remaining :
Can please some guy be of any help?It is not such a big project I am doing now, but I would like to learn how to do that, and since yesterday I could not understand anything, that's why I finally decided to post here.
Besides exe, create plain text file(config.xml for example), and the contents can be very simple:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<Var name="InPath" value=".\input folder name" />
<Var name="OutPath" value=".\output folder name" />
<Module file="$(InPath)\BasicExemple.exe" />
Run cmd, cd to exe's directory, then run Obfuscar.Console.exe config.xml
The output folder will contain the processed binary.