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How to install and use obfuscar?

I just finished my C# project(WPF), but now I meet problems on using "obfuscar" (another applicaion would be welcome, if easier to use).

Of course I looked already on internet for it, but didn't find a documentation "for newbies"...

I also tried to use BasicExempleExe provided with obfuscar from github, then some questions remaining :

  • I see no install file for obfuscar, so already for 1st step I think I missed something?
  • I see in Example directory a file obfuscar.xml. I understood what is that file for, but I don't see at what level it is called.

Can please some guy be of any help?It is not such a big project I am doing now, but I would like to learn how to do that, and since yesterday I could not understand anything, that's why I finally decided to post here.


    1. Download the Obfuscar.Console.exe you can download from Nuget, then unzip obfuscar.versionnumber.nupkg, and find the exe.
    2. Besides exe, create one input folder and one output folder. put BasicExemple.exe into input folder.
    3. Besides exe, create plain text file(config.xml for example), and the contents can be very simple:

      <?xml version='1.0'?>
        <Var name="InPath" value=".\input folder name" />
        <Var name="OutPath" value=".\output folder name" />
        <Module file="$(InPath)\BasicExemple.exe" />
    4. Run cmd, cd to exe's directory, then run Obfuscar.Console.exe config.xml

    5. The output folder will contain the processed binary.