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Problems with creating multi module maven project from SCM

I wish to create a multimodule maven project from SCM, my svn repository is DEVEO. Here are the steps i perform in eclipse mars (I have installed m2e plugin + subversive + and required connectors)

  1. Right Click Project Explorer > New > Project
  2. Maven > Checkout Maven Project from SCM
  3. SCM URL :
  4. Click Next
  5. Click Finish

  6. Then there is a popup window saying "No projects found, do you want to create project using new project wizard" I click "OK"

  7. From New Project Wizard, I select Maven > Maven Project

And i create my new project.

When i go into my workspace what i see isenter image description here

A. Project Folder is not created inside maven folder B. The Maven folder has no trunk, branches or tags

Ideally project should be created inside Maven folder > trunk. Any Helps


  • Thanks All,

    My purpose was to just use eclipse subversive plugin and not install any external svn client like tortoise. Its kind of a workaround but eventually you can do everything from eclipse. So here is what i did

    a. I completely ignored the m2e way of creating project from scm as mentioned in my question.

    I simply created a maven multi-module project structure. Right click the root project > Team > Share Project

    and then while i am adding the project i use the option "use multiple projects layout with specified root name" and rest is very clear.

    I even did not had to create a trunk or tag or branch in my repo separately. It was all done automatically.