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How to disable JSLint ES6 errors with const and let in Adobe Brackets?

I have Googled and looked through this site everywhere, but I can only find answers for JSHint instead of JSLint. To get rid of the "use function form of use strict" error I add in /*jslint node: true */. But to disable errors for using const and let I can't seem to find anything. JSHint has esversion: 6 but this doesn't work on JSLint.



  • Use the Preferences API:

    var PreferencesManager = brackets.getModule("preferences/PreferencesManager");
    prefs = PreferencesManager.getExtensionPrefs("jslint");
    prefs.set("options.es6", true);

    Or set it one of the config files:

    • the brackets.json file of the user directory


    • the .brackets.json file of the project directory:

    As such:

        "jslint.options": {
            "es6": true
