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rename files& directories {searchstr} with {replacestr}

I have an application (Templify) that creates a templatized directory structure, but it seems to not be able to rename the "__NAME__" with what I've identified as the target.

This is fine if I can find a clean way to rename all files & directories with my replacement text.

I found a method that renames files, and I found some code that removes underscores in file names and replaces it with spaces... but when I modify the code to put in my search terms, it never seems to work.

So, basically, I need to replace "__NAME__" with something like "Project-Name".

I'm happy to modify the search strings for each future reuse, but I'd love to figure out how to create a file to which I can pass ARGS.

I'm on XP and can use cygwin (cygwin doesn't seem to have 'rename' which makes it hard to locate linux-type solutions with using the function called 'rename'....)

I did find this which is easy to use for files in the current directory, but I don't know enough to tell it to recurse into sub-directories.

Any help would be great.

Thanks, Scott


  • From cygwin:

    find /cygdrive/c/mytree -type f | perl -ne 'rename $_, $1/Project-Name if m[^(.*)/__NAME__$]'

    Or using python:

    import os
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk("C:\\mytree"):
        for filename in files:
            if filename == "__NAME__":
                os.rename(os.path.join(root, filename), os.path.join(root, "Project-Name"))