%probes - is a list of probe names in an arbitrary order (organized by their location, not alpabetically nor numerically).
I need to sort an array of arrays (@data_a) based on the value of a the first column/cell in each array (the probe name) but sort them based on the order I specified in the ordered hash %probes.
@data_a looks like:
(D88 5833.4 82544.0),
(D92 3431.1 3432.1),
@data_asort=sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @data_a;
Will sort by a specific column, and this works, but sorts alphanumerically:
(100X 45454.1 48482.2),
(105Y 49911.1 81819.2),
I see that:
@data_bsort=sort {$probes{$b} <=> $probes{$a}} keys %probes;
Will sort a list of names based on the order in %probes.
I need to combine these two somehow, to sort the large array by the first column (probe name) maintaining all the numerical values associated, sorted in the order of %probes.
The order I want specified in the %probes hash:
my %probes = ("KCNT2 E3"=>1,"KCNT2 E1"=>2,"CFH E1"=>3,...);
The combined method suggested below:
@data_bsort= sort {$probes{$a->[0]} <=> $probes{$b->[0]} } @data_a;
Does not affect the order of the arrays, but this may be because it was meant to sort an array and not an array of arrays.
I believe based on what you wrote this is what you want:
@data_sort = sort {$probes{$a->[0]} <=> $probes{$b->[0]} } @data_a
That sorts the array refs in @data_a based on each array ref's first value being used as a key in the %probes hash.