Do not know why this (appended method from does not work on Google app engine? Localy everything runs perfect. Any idea where to look for solution?
* @return Page to display, filled with correct data
public Resolution welcome() {
Resolution fd = new ForwardResolution(VIEW);
HttpServletRequest request = this.ctx.getRequest();
if(request.getMethod() == "POST") {
String content = getRequestContent(request);
}else if (request.getMethod() == "GET"){
String ct = request.getContentType();
try {
getNotesJson(); //fill returnJson global variable
fd = new JSONResolution(returnJson);
//TODO Spread to other entities
} catch (JSONException e) {
return fd;
The String compares are wrong:
request.getMethod() == "POST"
Java Strings are not primitives thus they should be compared by equals method: