I have recently found what appears to me to be a new syntax for statically initializing an ArrayList:
new ArrayList<String>() {{
My question is, what is really happening there? Is that a shortcut for defining a static block (I thought it would need the static
keyword)? Or just a way to define a default constructor? Something else? What version of Java did this become valid?
An explanation plus a link to further reading would be greatly appreciated.
edit: My test class for showing whether initializer block executes before or after the constructor is below. Results show that initializer blocks execute before the other constructor code:
import org.junit.Test;
public class InitializerBlockTest {
class InitializerTest {
System.out.println("Running initalizer block");
public InitializerTest() {
System.out.println("Running default constructor");
class SubClass extends InitializerTest {
System.out.println("Running subclass Initializer block");
public SubClass() {
System.out.println("Running subclass constructor");
public void testIt() {
new SubClass();
Running initalizer block
Running default constructor
Running subclass Initializer block
Running subclass constructor
You are creating a new anonymous subclass of ArrayList, with an instance initializer which calls add() twice.
It's the same as:
class MyList extends ArrayList
{ // This is an instance initializer; the code is invoked before the constructor.
public MyList() {
// I believe initializers run here, but I have never specifically tested this
List list=new MyList();
Note that, personally, I do not advise it as an idiom, since it will lead to class-file explosion.