I am learning GUI programing on Windows, and I choose wxWidgets, Eclipse, MinGW for my learning. I can compile wxWidgets with command:
mingw32-make SHELL=CMD.exe -j4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release UNICODE=1
And I found that I can install it by MSYS by command
cd /mingw/wxWidgets-2.8.10
./configure –prefix=/mingw –disable-shared
make && make install
What must I do to integrate wxWidgets with Eclipse? Do I compile it by MinGW or install it by MSYS and How can I set up it for Eclipse Neon?
From your standpoint there is no difference.
It is better to compile the library with MinGW and do a DEBUG build since you will do development and a lot of times this will help a lot.
Now in order to set it up with Eclipse:
Keep in mind though that Eclipse is not "officially supported" IDE, meaning that there is no project for that IDE supplied with the library and there is not too many people use it for C++ development with wx.
The "official supported IDE" for wx are: MSVC, CodeBlocks and (to some extent) CodeLite.
It use to support Borland compiler (and IDE), but unfortunately there was a recent posts on the forum that recent version of Embarcadero broke the build of the library. This compiler is still supported though.
Good luck! If you have any issues don't hesitate to update the question with any possible errors.