I have a class with static functions performing DB operations such as save, retrieve and delete.
My DB class:
public final class DbUtils {
static {
DB_USER = //get from secure server
DB_PASSWORD = //get from secure server
private static Connection establishConnection() {
private static void closeConnection(Connection connection) {
public static boolean saveObject(final Object graph, final Object map) {
Connection connection = establishConnection();
try {
byte[] bgraph = ConvertToByte(graph);
byte[] bmap = ConvertToByte(map);
statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO " + TABLE_NAME + " VALUES (?,?)");
statement.setObject(1, graph);
statement.setObject(2, map);
//Close statement within try catch
} catch(Exception e) { // also other exception
//catch to catch all type of exception
return true;
public static Map<String, Object> retrieveObject(final String key) {
Connection connection = establishConnection();
//read byte and convert to object
return map;
public static boolean deleteObject(final String key) {
Connection connection = establishConnection();
//delete all object except object with key
return (affectedRow >= 1);
I wrote a unit test to test it like this:
public class DbUtilsTest {
Connection connection;
ModuleDependencyGraph dependencyGraph;
private Map<String , String> moduleSDF;
public void testSaveObject() throws Exception {
PowerMockito.doReturn(connection).when(DbUtils.class, "establishConnection");
Assert.assertTrue(DbUtils.saveObject(dependencyGraph, moduleSDF));
When i try to run this unit test i get a null pointer error at the statement = connection.prepareStatement
line which is to be expected i think since I'm not mocking the connection properly. How do I mock the connection properly? Also is the way I have written the saveObject
test correct? I am new to unit-testing so I don't know the best-practices and how to cover all cases.
Statement statement;
doNothing().when(statement).setObject(any(), any());
This is using just Mockito. You can as well use PowerMockito. It should work none the less.