I need to get the upper left position of an image in JavaScript. I define the location of an image in a global style sheet:
<style type="text/css">
img.movable { position:relative; top:0px; left:375px; }
When I define the image using the global style
<img id="image11" class="movable" src="testimage.jpg" onclick="jump()" />
The style.left
attribute is empty:
<script type="text/javascript">
function jump() {
xpos = document.getElementById("image11").style.left;
alert( "style.left="+xpos );
xpos = document.getElementById("image11").offsetLeft;
alert( "offsetLeft="+xpos );
But when I define the image using an inline style:
<img id="image11" style="position:relative; top:0px; left:375px;" src="logo.jpg" onclick="jump()" />
contains a value.
This behaviour is the same for IE8 and Firefox. Any ideas why that is?
is actually a map of all the css properties applied using the style
attribute. To get styles defined in stylesheets or default browser styles, you need to use computed style. Quirksmode, as usual, is a first stop.