I am trying to create a contract for a GET request and I'd like to use a path parameter, that can be reused in the response as well. Is this at all possible? I can only find examples for POST, query parameters and body's. So if I want to define a contract that requests an entity i.e. /books/12345-6688, I want to reuse the specified ID in the response.
How do I create a contract for something like this?
Nope that's not possible due to https://github.com/tomakehurst/wiremock/issues/383 . Theoretically you could create your own transformer + override the way stubs are generated in Spring Cloud Contract. That way the WireMock stubs would contain a reference to your new transformer (like presented in the WireMock docs - http://wiremock.org/docs/extending-wiremock/). But it sounds like a lot of work for sth that seems not really that necessary. Why do you need to do it like this? On the consumer side you want to test the integration, right? So just hardcode some values in the contract instead of referencing them and just check if you can parse those values.
UPDATE: If you just need to parametrize the request URL but don't want to reference it in the response you can use regular expressions like here - https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-contract/single/spring-cloud-contract.html#_regular_expressions
UPDATE2: Like @laffuste has mentioned, starting from RC1 you can reference a concrete path element