I am using BitSet to keep track whether nodes in a Graph have been visited using DFS method. For this purpose I have created a BitSet[] array. The BitSets themselves can be between 100.000-500.000 entries.
This is the code I am using.
public void tc() {
// if (scc_cache_valid)
// return;
marked2 = new BitSet[node_count];
for (int v = 0; v < node_count; v++) {
//if (marked2[v] == null)
marked2[v] = new BitSet(edge_count);
System.out.println("aaa" + marked2[v].size());
for (int w : children.get(v)) {
if (!marked2[v].get(w))
dfs(v, w);
public void tc(int v) {
// if (scc_cache_valid && marked2[v] != null)
// return;
// marked2 = new BitSet[node_count];
// for (int v = 0; v < node_count; v++) {
if (marked2[v] == null)
marked2[v] = new BitSet(node_count);
for (int w : children.get(v)) {
if (!marked2[v].get(w))
dfs(v, w);
// }
public boolean reachable(int v, int w) {
return marked2[v].get(w);
private void dfs(int v, int w) {
marked2[v].set(w, true);
for (int z : children.get(w)) {
if (!marked2[v].get(z))
dfs(v, z);
Unfortunately I am running out of heap. Is there a better (more memory efficient) solution to this problem ?
Thank You.
I think your DFS algorithm is incorrect.
.In either case, the space requirement is O(N)
rather than O(N^2)
A pseudo-code algorithm for the DAG / graph case is:
dfs(root) = dfs0(root, new Set());
dfs0(node, visited) =
if !visited.contains(node):
// do stuff for node
foreach n in node.children:
dfs0(n, visited)
Note: there is only one Set object used in the traversal.