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Using a Javascript Variable in Sparql update

I am using my Nodejs app to Run(Sending HTTP Post) Sparql updates on my Ontology model. Now I have a variable 'seconds' in my code that stores an integer value. Now How do I include that variable to my query.

var request = require('request');
var querystring = require('querystring');

var seconds = ROB_8_StopSeconds-ROB_8_StartSeconds;
var myquery2 = querystring.stringify({
			update: "PREFIX test:<> insert {[] test:Actual_Production_Time ?s; test:hasValue_ROB1 ?p; test:hasTime ?now.} where {values (?s ?p ) {(test:Actual_Production_Time 2000)} bind (now() as ?now)}"
			});{headers: {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
				url: 'http://localhost:3030/DS-1/?' + myquery2},
        function(error, response, body) {
				if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
					console.log('successful update');
				} else {

Now in my query as you can see I am sending 2000 but i want to send the variable 'seconds' instead of 2000. How can I achieve this?. And Secondly, will my model be able to extract that integer value from the variable 'seconds'.

P.s: I have searched the answer in dotNetRDF Documentation( but I couldn't find it thr.


  • I solved the problem by simply concatenating the variable between the strings outside the querystring.stringify().

    var seconds = ROB_8_StopSeconds - ROB_8_StartSeconds;
    			 abc = "PREFIX test:<> insert {[] test:Actual_Production_Time ?s; test:hasValue_ROB1 ?p; test:hasTime ?now.} where {values (?s ?p ) {(test:Actual_Production_Time "+seconds+")} bind (now() as ?now)}";
    			var myquery2 = querystring.stringify({
    				update: abc

    I was trying to do the concatenating inside the querystring.stringify() which is wrong.