I'm trying to write a little greasemonkey script/bookmarklet/what have you for Google Docs. The functionality I'd like to add needs a keypress/keyup/keydown event handler (one of those three). Unfortunately, Javascript isn't my forté, and I can't seem to capture (?) a keypress event to while in the edit pane. As a last resort, I've tried the following:
els = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
However, this still doesn't capture keypresses in the editing pane - no annoying alerts (although it seems to work for most other sites...). I've checked in Chrome and Firefox both (I can't get it to work in either one).
I tried "Log Events" in Firebug (and checked out all the registered events via a neat little extension to Firebug, Eventbug); it didn't seem like those events were firing on keypresses.
To clarify [Tim], I made this screenshot with some annotations...
The "editing pane" I'm talking about seems to be a bunch of Javascripted-up divs displaying what I type.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Editing in Google Docs uses an iframe. You need to attach a listener to the iframe's document. It seems to do something complicated with the iframe I haven't yet been able to work out fully, but the following seems to work for Firefox:
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
if (iframe) {
iframe.contentDocument.addEventListener("keypress", function(evt) {
console.log("iframe keypress: " + evt.which);
}, false);