I have a condition of where i have a drop-down with 5 options on it. on-click of any option, the "fancybox" modal window opens. But i don't want to open the fancybox when click on "option 1". according to the conditions, I can't place "Value attribute for Option 1". Other all have value attribute.
function openFB(focusAeraData, idData) {
var userIdData = $("#userIdData").val();
var focusAreaSelectBoxValue01 = $("#focusAera1").val();
var focusAreaSelectBoxValue02 = $("#focusAeraFirst").val();
var focusAreaSelectBoxValue03 = $("#focusAeraSecond").val();
if ((focusAreaSelectBoxValue01 == focusAreaSelectBoxValue02 || focusAreaSelectBoxValue02 == focusAreaSelectBoxValue03)
&& idData == 2) {
$("#focusAeraError2").html('Please Select different Focus');
$('#focusAeraFirst>option:eq(0)').prop('selected', true);
} else if ((focusAreaSelectBoxValue01 == focusAreaSelectBoxValue03 || focusAreaSelectBoxValue02 == focusAreaSelectBoxValue03)
&& idData == 3) {
$("#focusAeraError3").html('Please Select different Focus');
$('#focusAeraSecond>option:eq(0)').prop('selected', true);
else {
$("#focusAeraError" + idData).html('');
var OpenPOPUPURL = '../../pop_up/get_popup_scorecard?idData='
+ idData + '&focusAeraData=' + focusAeraData + '&userId='
+ userIdData;
autoSize : true,
'maxWidth' : '35%',
'minWidth' : '35%',
'width' : '680',
modal : false,
fitToView : true,
'padding-bottom' : '5px',
arrows : false,
openEffect : 'fade',
openSpeed : 'slow',
closeEffect : 'fade',
closeSpeed : 'slow',
closeBtn : false,
href : OpenPOPUPURL, //Your form must have an action.
type : 'ajax',
'helpers' : {
'overlay' : {
'closeClick': false,
ajax : {
type : "GET",
cache : false,
data : $(this).serializeArray(),
scrolling : 'no',
iframe : {
scrolling : 'auto',
preload : true
If you can't place "Value attribute for Option 1"
, then just check if there is value and skip if there is not. For example:
if ( !focusAreaSelectBoxValue01 || !focusAreaSelectBoxValue02 || !focusAreaSelectBoxValue03 ) {