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How do I parse the extended CSS braces in the markdown created by pelican-import?

I used pelican-import, creating a series of markdown files from a wordpress export file.

pelican-import --wpfile -o wpexport/ -m markdown wordpress.xml

A markdown file was created for each article from the wordpress backup. The images are represented in the markdown like this:

[alt-text](img.jpg){.size-medium .wp-image-206 .alignnone width="300" height="300"}

The curly braces aren't being parsed by pelican, and don't seem to be part of the markdown standard.

Is there a markdown plugin or pelican extension that parses this output?
markdown.extras.attr_list is the closest I can find, but it has slightly different syntax.


  • The braces were attr_list syntax after all. I just needed to enable the plugin correctly. MD_EXTENSIONS had been deprecated.

    add to

    MARKDOWN = {
        'extensions': ['extra'],
        'output_format': 'html5',