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How to get Google sign-in working for Meteor on iOS?

I'm setting up a Meteor app and using Google sign-in for the first time. This works fine in the web-app version of the app. However, when building the app for iOS, this generates a problem.

I do this:

meteor run ios-device --mobile-server

Then get this:

Failed to install 'cordova-plugin-googleplus':Error: Variable(s) missing: REVERSED_CLIENT_ID


While adding plugin to Cordova project: Error: Variable(s) missing: REVERSED_CLIENT_ID

How to resolve this?


  • You need to do 2 things.

    1. create a credential
    2. add it to your mobile-config.js

    Go to the same place you created your webapp credential. Something like this:

    Click the Create Credential button... pick OAUTH... and then pick IOS.

    Enter your info... and then take that number and paste it into you mobile-config.js file like this:

    App.configurePlugin('cordova-plugin-googleplus', {
        REVERSED_CLIENT_ID: 'com.googleusercontent.apps.LONGNUMBER'

    click the CREATE credential