I have coded a usercontrol with a smart-tags panel for design time support.
All is well excepting the size of the panel is not quite big enough. Is there a way to force a size on this panel?
I'm looking for a programmatic way.
For now, the only way I know is to add the following to the GetSortedActionItems() method :
const int numCharsForSpacing = 30;
new DesignerActionTextItem (new string ('\x01', numCharsForSpacing ), null),
This adds non-displayable characters text thus expanding the panel.
Sorta Hackish.... ;)
Since no one have an answer, I'll provide one and mark it as the accepted answer until someone provides a better solution.
For now, the only way I know is to add the following to the GetSortedActionItems() method :
const int numCharsForSpacing = 30;
new DesignerActionTextItem (new string ('\x01', numCharsForSpacing ), null),
This adds non-displayable characters text thus expanding the panel.
Sorta Hackish.... ;)