I want to be able to pass an integer via command line argument that I will call length. I need to make this constant, because it will be used to determine the size of several bitsets. I have tried doing this many ways, for example:
int main(int arc, const char* argv[]){
const int * ptr;
if (!(istringstream{argv[1]} >> ptr)) { return 1;}
const int length = *ptr;
bitset<length> right_ones = 1;
return 0;
I also tried it this way:
int main(int arc, const char* argv[]){
int test_int;
if (!(istringstream{argv[1]} >> test_int)) { return 1;}
const int length = argv[1];
bitset<length> right_ones = 1;
return 0;
But none of the ways I have tried it worked. How can I accomplish this?
If it is going to be passed as a command line argument, then you cannot make it a constant.
By the way, this is relevant to your case: Define bitset size at initialization?