This is the exception I am hitting when trying to place an order for a Windows virtual guest using the SoftLayer python library:
SoftLayerAPIError(SoftLayer_Exception_Public): Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition (64 bit) (17-32 Cores), price ID# 175801, has a Cores capacity restriction that does not match the capacity of 4 x 2.0 GHz Cores, price ID# 52139. Please submit prices that are compatible.
The python logic has not changed in a long time in the area that orders this virtual guest and we have not seen issues before. Was there a recent API change or virtual guest ordering restriction that was put in place? For reference, we are obtaining the price IDs for these options before placing the order:
package id: 46
"os_type": "OS_WINDOWS_2012_FULL_STD_64_BIT",
"core_type": "GUEST_CORES_4",
"ip_size": "1_IP_ADDRESS",
"bandwidth": "BANDWIDTH_0_GB_2",
"ram_size": "RAM_8_GB",
"reboot_type": "REBOOT_REMOTE_CONSOLE",
"uplink_speed": "1_GBPS_PRIVATE_NETWORK_UPLINK",
"disk_type": "GUEST_DISK_100_GB_LOCAL",
"is_auto_notify": "AUTOMATED_NOTIFICATION",
I hope not misunderstanding you, but How are you getting the identifiers?
I think that here is the issue:
- "os_type": "OS_WINDOWS_2012_FULL_STD_64_BIT",
- "core_type": "GUEST_CORES_4",
The 175801 price is only for 17-32 Cores, you need to use another identifier for the OS because you are ordering 4 cores and you need to use a price which support the core's capacity that you choose
Can you try with this id: 175797 instead of 175801