I am using mirth connect 3.0.3 on windows.my requirement is I have a text file in D drive with some name and id as the text I need to pick that file using mirth javascript reader and insert into the database can u please help me to pick the file using javascript reader.
I tried it by using java code and converting that into to .jar file and placed it in the custom-lib folder in mirth connect and importing that in a script but I want to do it without .jar
I am getting stuck in importing the packages can you help me to pick the file using javascript reader.
You can take two aproaches:
Use a File Reader source insted of JavaScript Reader source, then modify the transformer adding a new step in which insert your file's content into your database.
Use the FileUtil.read method to read file content inside your Javascript Reader source:
var fileData = FileUtil.read('D:\my_awesome_folder\data.txt'); //Do something with fileData