To get the position of an object:
Vector3 mainCanvasPosition = mainCanvas.GetComponent<RectTransform>().position;
But it returns the position of the center of the object.
mainCanvas.GetComponent().rect.xMin gives you minimum x position of canvas in canvas space, not in world space. So if you add xMin to x position of canvas, you get minimum x position of canvas in world space. And same for y.
var canvasTransform = mainCanvas.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
float minX = canvasTransform.position.x + canvasTransform.rect.xMin;
float maxY = canvasTransform.position.y + canvasTransform.rect.yMax;
float z = canvasTransform.position.z;
Vector3 topLeft = new Vector3(minX, maxY, z);
will give you top left of canvas
If you look at Unity's reference, you should see that RectTransform.rect is in local space, not in world space