I have a System.Data.Entity.Dbset provided to me by the DataContext of EntityFramework. I have an ObservableCollection AllTaxes in my ViewModel i simply want to delete all those entries from System.Data.Entity.Dbset which have been deleted from AllTaxes,based on a common property called "TaxCode" using Linq.
I m not very good with Linq.I used the following Linq to find out all TaxCodes deleted from ViewModel but still existing in Model.
var List = Hexa_entity.hexa_tax.Where(Left => !AllTaxes.Any(Right => Right.TaxCode == Left.TaxCode));
However,this is giving me the exception:-
Unable to create a constant value of type
. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
Simply put ,How do i convert the SQL query in between to linq?
List<ClassTest> Lst =
select * from List1<ClassTest>()
where id not in (select id from List2<ClassTest>())
To fix that issue try the following:
var AllTaxesCodes=AllTaxes.Select(e=>e.TaxCode);//Use a collection of primitive type
var List = Hexa_entity.hexa_tax.Where(Left => !AllTaxesCodes.Contains( Left.TaxCode));