I've lost so much time trying to figure this out, read multiple articles, but without any luck.
What I'm trying to do is highlight a custom token inside a quoted string.
Dim code As String = "SELECT G123C432 FROM table WHERE G321C234 = G87C1"
I've imported a vb.net language grammar to ace, and it's ok, but now I want to highlight G123C432
, G321C234
and G87C1
The vb.net grammar file has this token for quoted string:
"#quotedString": [{
token: "string.quoted.double.vbnet",
regex: /"(?:[^"]|"")*"/
And I've added this rule:
"#mlkField": [{
token: "mlkfield.vbnet",
regex: /G[\d]+C[\d]+/
I've tried the regex G[\d]+C[\d]+
but it doesn't work when found inside a String
Example of an expected final result: editor snippet
use a separate state for the string
"#quotedString": [{
token: "string",
regex: /"/,
push: [{
token: "mlkfield.vbnet",
regex: /G[\d]+C[\d]+/
}, {
token: "string",
regex: /"/,
next: "pop"
}, {
defaultToken: "string"