Search code examples

onchange function for switchery elements

When I am using the function initSwitchery2, I am not being able to change the text for .js-check-change-field-7 for onchange event when .js-switch-7 is checked.

$(document).ready(function() {

function initSwitchery2($class, $color, $speed, $size, $secondarycolor, $class2) {
    var elems =$class));
    var changeFields =$class2));
        elems.forEach(function(el) {
                if ($(el).data('switchery') != true) {
                    new Switchery(el,  { color: $color, speed: $speed, size: $size, secondaryColor: $secondarycolor });
        elems.onchange = function() {
                if ($($class).is(':checked')) {
                    changeFields.innerText = "Afficher";
                } else {
                    changeFields.innerText = "Masquer";

handleSwitcheryElements = function() {
    initSwitchery2('.js-switch-7', '#00ACAC', '0.3s', 'small', '#ff5b57', '.js-check-change-field-7');


<input type="checkbox" data-render="switchery" data-theme="blue" class="js-switch-7 text-right" data-change="check-switchery-state-text" />
<a href="#" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger disabled m-l-5 js-check-change-field-7" data-id="switchery-state-text">Masquer</a>


  • you have to use native .addEventListener / or .on using jquery

    So instead of

    elems.onchange = function() {

    Use with Js the first element

    elems[0].onchange = function() {
        //code stuff

    Or using jquery by Setting your event as bellow :

     $(elems).on("change" , function() {
          //code stuff

    If you want to apply this last to all your check boxes :

    add a unique id for each of your a element and add this last as a data attribute for your input

    example for a -> id="a1" its input -> data-id-target="a1" and so on .

    Bellow a working example :

    $(document).ready(function() {
    function initSwitchery2($class, $color, $speed, $size, $secondarycolor) {
        var elems =$class));
            elems.forEach(function(el) {
                    if ($(el).data('switchery') != true) {
                        new Switchery(el,  { color: $color, speed: $speed, size: $size, secondaryColor: $secondarycolor });
                        el.onchange = function(e) {
                          if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
                          } else {
    handleSwitcheryElements = function() {
        initSwitchery2('.js-switch-7', '#00ACAC', '0.3s', 'small', '#ff5b57');
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src=""></script>
    <input type="checkbox" data-render="switchery" data-theme="blue" class="js-switch-7 text-right" data-change="check-switchery-state-text" data-id-target="a1" />
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger disabled m-l-5 js-check-change-field-7" data-id="switchery-state-text" id="a1">Masquer</a>
    <input type="checkbox" data-render="switchery" data-theme="blue" class="js-switch-7 text-right" data-change="check-switchery-state-text" data-id-target="a2" />
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger disabled m-l-5 js-check-change-field-7" data-id="switchery-state-text" id="a2">Masquer</a>
    <input type="checkbox" data-render="switchery" data-theme="blue" class="js-switch-7 text-right" data-change="check-switchery-state-text" data-id-target="a3" />
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger disabled m-l-5 js-check-change-field-7" data-id="switchery-state-text" id="a3">Masquer</a>
    <input type="checkbox" data-render="switchery" data-theme="blue" class="js-switch-7 text-right" data-change="check-switchery-state-text" data-id-target="a4" />
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger disabled m-l-5 js-check-change-field-7" data-id="switchery-state-text" id="a4">Masquer</a>