I mounted a SMB share via fstab:
//IP_SERVER/public /home/sl/images_server cifs username=USER,passwd=PASSWD 0 0
I want to create some new files in /home/sl/images_server. The folder has the mod 777 and the user and group sl.
When I try to save a file via Java I get this error:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/sl/images_server/test.jpg (Permission denied)
I use the following code to write the image:
ImageIO.write(ImageIO.read(SOURCE_FILE), "jpg", new File("/home/sl/images_server/test.jpg"));
After I executed the Java command I see a newly created file in the folder with nobody as user, nogroup as group and '-rw-r--r--' as mod.
What is neccessary to save a file in this folder.
Ok, the problem has nothing to do with Java. It was just my samba server which wasn't configured well.
See this for more informations.