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Java gstreamer linking two textoverlay elements is not working

I have a rtsp player application written in java and built on top of gstreamer 1.When I try to display a text on top of the playing video with only one textoverlay element in the pipeline it is working fine.But I need to display different texts on all the corners of the window.

The first think I though was chaining overlay elements which actually worked from command line with gst-launch-1.0 as follows;

gst-launch-1.0 -v rtspsrc location=rtsp://  ! rtpjitterbuffer  ! rtph264depay ! vaapiparse_h264 ! vaapidecodebin !  textoverlay text = "live video" halignment=left ! textoverlay text="action camera 1" ! xvimagesink

When I try to construct the same pipeline with java as follows;

this.sourceElement = ElementFactory.make(RTSP_SOURCE, RTSP_SOURCE);
    final Element videoQueue = ElementFactory.make(QUEUE, QUEUE);
    final Element videoDepay = ElementFactory.make(RTP_H264_DEPAY, RTP_H264_DEPAY);
    final Element videoParser = ElementFactory.make(VAAPI_H264_PARSE, VAAPI_H264_PARSE);
    final Element videoDecoder = ElementFactory.make(VAAPI_DECODE, VAAPI_DECODE);
    videoTypeOverlay = ElementFactory.make(TEXT_OVERLAY, TEXT_OVERLAY);
    videoSourceOverlay = ElementFactory.make(TEXT_OVERLAY, TEXT_OVERLAY);
    sinkElement = ElementFactory.make(XV_IMAGE_SINK, XV_IMAGE_SINK);

    pipe.addMany(sourceElement, videoQueue, videoDepay, videoParser, videoDecoder, videoSourceOverlay, videoTypeOverlay, sinkElement);
    Element.linkMany(videoQueue, videoDepay, videoParser, videoDecoder, videoSourceOverlay, videoTypeOverlay, sinkElement);

      sourceElement.connect((Element.PAD_ADDED) (element, pad) -> {
        if (pad.isLinked()) {
        Caps caps = pad.getCaps();
        if (caps.size() > 0) {
            String mediaType = caps.getStructure(0).getString("media");
            if ("video".equalsIgnoreCase(mediaType)) {

        public void play(PlaySettings playSettings) {
            videoTimeOverlay.set("text", text);
            videoTimeOverlay.set("valignment", valign);
            videoTimeOverlay.set("halignment", halign);

I get a blank canvas. The only way to make application at least working is to remove one of the overlays from linkMany and addMany lines as follows;

pipe.addMany(sourceElement, videoQueue, videoDepay, videoParser, videoDecoder, videoSourceOverlay,  sinkElement);
Element.linkMany(videoQueue, videoDepay, videoParser, videoDecoder, videoSourceOverlay,  sinkElement);

So how can I put more than one static overlay strings on video canvas?


  • I solved this problem by creating a Bin element and the two overlay elements are wrapped in it. The method below is a working code example for creating Bin container element with ghost pads.

      private Bin createTextOverlayBin() {
        Bin textOverlayBin = new Bin();
        videoTypeOverlay = ElementFactory.make(TEXT_OVERLAY, "video-type-overlay");
        Optional<Pad> textOverlaySinkPad = playIdOverlay.getSinkPads().stream().filter(pad -> pad.getName().equals("video_sink")).findAny();
        Optional<Pad> textOverlaySrcPad = videoTypeOverlay.getSrcPads().stream().filter(pad -> pad.getName().equals("src")).findAny();
        if (textOverlaySinkPad.isPresent() && textOverlaySrcPad.isPresent()) {
            GhostPad ghostSinkPad = new GhostPad("sink", textOverlaySinkPad.get());
            GhostPad ghostSrcPad = new GhostPad("src", textOverlaySrcPad.get());
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("Video text overlay element creation is failed!");
        return textOverlayBin;