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SFINAE to check "template template class" (in template argument) elegantly

How to check type of a template template class in template argument?


B<T> and C<T> are template class.
I want to create a class D<class BC> that can be D<B> or D<C>.
Only D<B> has D::f().

Here is my workaround (demo). It works.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Dummy{};
template<class T>class B{};
template<class T>class C{};
template<template<class T> class BC>class D{
    //f() is instantiated only if "BC" == "B"
    public: template<class BCLocal=BC<Dummy>> static
    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<BCLocal,B<Dummy>>::value,void>::type f(){  
    //^ #1
int main() {
    //D<C>::f();   //compile error as expected, which is good
    return 0;

The line #1 is very long and ugly (use Dummy to hack).
In real program, it is also error-prone, especially when B<...> and C<...> can have 5-7 template arguments.

Are there ways to improve it?
I dream for something like :-

template<class BCLocal=BC> static
    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<BCLocal,B>::value,void>::type f(){ 


  • Why not just extract the comparison into a handy utility?

    #include <type_traits>
    template<template<class...> class L, template<class...> class R>
    struct is_same_temp : std::false_type {};
    template<template<class...> class T>
    struct is_same_temp<T, T> : std::true_type {};

    Then SFINAE on f can simply look like this:

    static auto f() -> typename std::enable_if<is_same_temp<BC, B>::value>::type {

    There't no need to specify void for enable_if since it's the default type it gives.

    And the trailing return type also has a prettifying effect, I think.

    With C++14, we can prettify further. First a variable template.

    template<template<class...> class L, template<class...> class R>
    using bool const is_same_temp_v = is_same_temp<L, R>::value;

    Then with the std::enable_if_t template alias:

    static auto f() -> std::enable_if_t<is_same_temp_v<BC, B>> {