Hi I'm new in ruby and I'm trying to save a nested hash into a JSON file, the final hash looks like this:
{"**School**":{"*Students*":{ "Info":{},"Values":{} },"*Teachers*":{ "Info":{},"Values":{} } } }
But initially the hash must start empty :
{"**School**":{} }
And then I need to add elements at every level , like this :
{"**School**":{} ,"**Hospital**":{} }
{"**School**":{ "*Students*":{} } ,"**Hospital**":{} }
{"**School**":{ "*Students*":{ "*Info*":{ "Name": "Varchar" },"*Values*":{ "Name": "Jane" } } } ,"**Hospital**":{} }
I tried thing like the one below but it doesn't seem to work :
hash = Hash.new
hash[ "**School**" ] = {"Student":{}}
hash[ "**School**" ][ "Student" ] = {"Info":{},"Values":{}}
File.open("saved.json","w") do |f|
Thanks for your time and help.
Try this...
hash = Hash.new
hash[ "**School**" ] = {}
hash[ "**School**" ][ "Student" ] = {}
hash[ "**School**" ][ "Student" ]["Info"] = {}
hash[ "**School**" ][ "Student" ]["Values"] = {}
This will initialise your hash in desired structure with empty content.