I'm using http://amsul.ca/pickadate.js/time/ library to config an input field as a time picker:
<input type="text" class="pickatime" name="startTime" id="startTime">
Then I started the picker time using:
var pickerStart;
function setStartTime()
pickerStart = $('#startTimeEdit').pickatime({
interval: 15,
min: [5,30],
max: [23,0],
formatSubmit: 'HH:i',
hiddenName: true
pickerStart.set('select', '08:30', { format: 'hh:i' });
But I can't find a way to set the time after the picker is initialize.
Is there a way to restart it or set its value?
The documentation is not clear about it.
As per the API, you should first store the picker in a variable
var picker = $('#startTimeEdit').pickatime().pickatime('picker')
Then you will be able to call methods on this variable. In order to set a particular time you can use below method :
//setting random date
picker.set('select', [2015, 3, 20])
//setting current date
picker.set('select', new Date())
// Using arrays formatted as [HOUR,MINUTE].
picker.set('select', [3,0])
// Using a string along with the parsing format (defaults to `format` option).
picker.set('select', '04-30', { format: 'hh-i' })