I'm trying to make a line graph in Excel that combines multiple series into ONE line. All I've been able to create so far is one graph with multiple lines on the same y axis. Is it possible to combine multiple data points from multiple series together in chronological order?
For context: I'm trying to make a graph that shows monthly temperatures between 1880-2017. January, February and so on, are each a separate series. I can make a bar graph that shows each year with each month chronologically but is there a way to convert this into a line graph without it producing multiple lines for each month, but instead one line that combines all the month data points together nicely?
If there no gaps in the data you described,
and you have a table
of (2017-1880+1)=138
rows by 12
Here it is one way to make a one-line graph of the data
(some random imaginary data used in the example).
Unfortunately, standard Excel
data functions can handle only
dates not older than January 1, 1900,
see for example, http://www.exceluser.com/formulas/earlydates.htm.
But you are lucky as all you need is just a year and a month numbers.
In this case the dates along the x
can be presented with numbers, which integer part is the year,
and fractional part is a fraction of the year that represents a month.
Assuming that the table is in Sheet1!A2:M139
select Sheet2 , type in a formula
in the cell A2
, and copy it down to A1657
by any means you like.
For example, select A2
, press Ctrl+C,
click in the Name box
input field,
type A2:A1657
range in it and press
That's it, this will create all the
-axis date values for the one-line graph.
Next step is to fill the range B2:B1657
consequently with monthly data from the Sheet1
Select cell B2
and type in a formula
select range B2:B13
click at the end of the formula and press
The range B2:B13
is now filled with the T
data from Jan
to Dec
of 1880,
and it is still selected.
Press Ctrl+C to copy this range,
then select B14:B1657
and press Ctrl+V.
That's it, all the readings from the table
will be lined in the range B2:B1657
There is even simpler solution for the second part:
fill the range B2:B1657
with formula
It just converts a linear x
coordinate of the current point,
based on the subsequent row number ((ROW()-2)
) into corresponding row, column pair
in the table and extracts the table value with INDEX()