I've upgraded an EPiServer CMS site from 7.5 to 9, upgrading source code and DB. I don't necessarily need to migrate the Media files.
After the upgrade, everything looks to be working fine, except when I try to add images, documents or try to create blocks.
When adding an image for a page, it fails with the following error: Content type "ImageFile" is not allowed to be created under parent of content type "SysContentAssetFolder".
When I try to add a global Content Block, none of the block types appear. When trying to add it in a content area, there is no button to add new ones.
I've found that if I explicitly allow the Content Type (ImageFile or the content block) under a page type in the tblContentTypeToContentType table, it works. Nevertheless I don't think that the right approach would be to add permissions one per one. We didn't need to in version 7.5.
Hope someone can help with this.
Thanks in advance!
I've found a workaround for now, by inserting the following records:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblContentTypeToContentType] ([fkContentTypeParentID],[fkContentTypeChildID],[Access],[Availability],[Allow])
VALUES (3,3,2,2,null) -- for SysContentFolder
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblContentTypeToContentType] ([fkContentTypeParentID],[fkContentTypeChildID],[Access],[Availability],[Allow])
VALUES (4,4,2,2,null) -- for SysContentAssetFolderNevertheless
I'm not sure this is the correct fix, and if it could have unwanted consecuences.