I'm writing an algorithm which needs an array of PriorityQueues. Can I get something like:
public double[][] distance_table = new double[300][300];
Using priorityQueue? I tried:
public PriorityQueue<Double>[] queue_table = new PriorityQueue<>(300, comparator)[300];
But Netbeans says:
array required, but PriorityQueue found.
It has an error icon so it isn't a warning.
You can't create arrays of class type as you have shown : In your case you can do the following :
PriorityQueue<Double> queue_table[] = new PriorityQueue[10];
for(int i=0;i<queue_table.length;i++){
queue_table[i] = new PriorityQueue<>(300, comparator);
Here we are first declaring an array of type PriorityQueue, not still initializing it. Then we have used loop for initializing it's elements.