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Simultaneous overriding and overloading in C++

Hello everyone I am puzzled about the following piece of C++ code in which overloading and overriding are somehow simulataneous.

Here are the errors that my compiler gives (mingw32-g++ inside Code::Blocks 13.12)

error: no matching function for call to 'Derived::show()'
note:  candidate is:
note:  void Derived::show(int)
note:  candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided

Here is the code that produces them.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    class Base{
      void show(int x){
        cout<<"Method show in base class."<<endl;
      void show(){
        cout<<"Overloaded method show in base class."<<endl;

    class Derived:public Base{
      void show(int x){
        cout<<"Method show in derived class."<<endl;

    int main(){
      Derived d;;

I tried to declare Base::show() as virtual. Then I tried the same with Base::show(int). Doesn't work either.


  • This is name hiding. Derived::show hides the methods with the same name in Base. You can introduce them by using.

    class Derived:public Base{
      using Base::show;
      void show(int x){
        cout<<"Method show in derived class."<<endl;