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Why can't jasmine find my source code with rake jamine:ci?

I can rake jasmine to run the server and then visit


and I get

enter image description here

but when I do rake jasmine:ci 0 specs are found. I moved PlayerSpec.js to spec/javascripts/ and they were found but now they all fail with errors such as

Player should be able to play a Song

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Player in http://localhost:45147/__spec__/PlayerSpec.js (line 6)

It seems that the src/Player.js file isn't being used as that is where Player is defined, i.e.

function Player() {
} = function(song) {

Where should I be putting the source file Player.js as src isn't working ?
I've tried putting the Player.js file in spec/ and spec/javascripts/ but it didn't help, same error.

I tried inserting the Player function at the top of the spec file but that didn't help, same error.


  • This is controlled by the spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml file

    I was able to get rake jasmine:ci to use the same source and spec files as used by rake jasmine by updating the jasmine.yml file, specifically

      - src/Player.js
      - src/Song.js


    # spec_dir: Example spec/javascripts
    spec_dir: spec

    This solved most of my issues. 2 specs are still failing as they aren't finding Song which exists in src and is included as shown but that is a separate issue I am looking into.