I have two variables with datatype double, when i multiply those variables they return result in scientific form but my requirement is to display result in normal human readable form. For Example: when i multiply 9854795 and 8.9 it returns result as 8.77076755E7 instead of 87707675.5
here is my function for calculating values:
private void calculatingTotalPaymentAmount() {
if (editTextBookingQuantity.getText().toString().equals(""))
editTextBookingQuantity.setError("Enter Booking Quantity to calculate Total Payment Amount");
} else if (editTextRatePerBrick.getText().toString().equals(""))
editTextRatePerBrick.setError("Enter Rate Per Brick to calculate Total Payment Amount");
} else {
//MathContext mc = new MathContext(4); // 4 precision
final double catchBookingQtyDoubleForm = Double.parseDouble(editTextBookingQuantity.getText().toString());
final double catchRatePerBrickDoubleForm = Double.parseDouble(editTextRatePerBrick.getText().toString().trim());
final double totalPaymentAmount = (catchBookingQtyDoubleForm * catchRatePerBrickDoubleForm);
//bg3 = bg1.multiply(bg2, mc);
//BigDecimal newValue = totalPaymentAmount.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN);
Log.d("tag", "" + new BigDecimal(catchBookingQtyDoubleForm * catchRatePerBrickDoubleForm));