I have a repeating group of "Features", like this
I'd like to be able to make an In Context Editing popup to edit only this single feature.
My template's code is like this
<#import "/templates/system/common/cstudio-support.ftl" as studio/>
<div class="container about_content center p-b-3 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="700ms" <@studio.componentAttr path=contentModel.storeUrl /> >
<div class="row">
<#list contentModel.features.item as feature>
<div class="col-md-4" <@studio.iceAttr iceGroup="feature" path=contentModel.storeUrl label="Feature" /> >
<div class="single_abt single_about m-y-3">
<i class="fa">
<img src="${feature.logo}" />
In CrafterCMS, if you'd like the features to be editable individually and not as a group, then they need to be defined as individual components.
Take a look at the Editorial Blueprint that comes with version 3.0, it has a list of features that render as components along with ICE tags: https://github.com/craftercms/studio/blob/master/src/main/webapp/repo-bootstrap/global/blueprints/website_editorial/templates/web/pages/home.ftl
Note the section:
<section <@studio.iceAttr iceGroup="features"/>>
<header class="major">
<div class="features" <@studio.componentContainerAttr target="features" objectId=contentModel.objectId/>>
<#if contentModel.features?? && contentModel.features.item??>
<#list contentModel.features.item as feature>
<@renderComponent component=feature />
It essentially iterates over the list of components rendering them individually.
For more detail, you can read up on ICE in the docs: http://docs.craftercms.org/en/3.0/developers/in-context-editing.html