all! I couldn't find an answer that covers all my requirements, or at least I wasn't looking for the right terminology. Hopefully this is something that's possible. I'd like to use a formula for this if possible but if it needs to be a macro then so be it. I'll try my best to explain the problem. Fake values are used to protect workplace data. It's Excel 2007 and I don't have permission to use any add-ons.
I have two sheets, let's call them Source and Target. The values on these sheets change constantly but the layout remains mostly the same. Source A1:B1 are just headings. Let's say A1 is Item and B1 is Client. Item has a unique value in each row. They never repeat. They are always in alphabetical order. Client does repeat and is in no particular order. Clients and Items are added/deleted all the time.
Target's top row are for headings. Of these headings, A1 is Client and that column lists each of the Clients once each in alphabetical order. Clients are added/removed from both sheets frequently.
Now with that all out of the way, this is what I need to do: I want some way for Target to automatically grab Items from Source and place them in the appropriate row on Target. So far I haven't been able to get it to recognize an Item that it already grabbed.
Use this formula:
Array Formula press Ctrl+Shift+Enter at the same time
in B2 under the first item in Target
next to the first client
You can drag it in the row and in the column