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My company is trying to make an informed decision about how to pursue future development.

We seem to have narrowed down our future internal and external Applications to being web applications. But we are still a bit confused from that point.

There is a large amount of support for Sharepoint here. As I understand it, Sharepoint is basically ASP.NET using MVP.

Others want to use normal ASP.NET using the newer MVC style.

I am also told that these don't easily play well together.

It is looking like Sharepoint (and ASP.NET MVP) is going to be the winner. Before we go that direction, I wanted to ask:

If we choose to base the next 5-10 years of our development efforts off of Sharepoint (ie ASP.NET and MVP) what are we giving up? And is it a big deal or just some "nice to haves" that we are loosing.

(It would have to be a fairly big deal to get management to change direction now.)


  • Whatever happens, WebForms will turn into a big ugly mess at some point. If you have to use webforms, don't use the postback and page lifycycle model - have aspx pages with presenters for get requests, and have a handler or empty aspx per post. It'll feel a lot more like MVC that way