I have three tables venue, concert and event. I am looking for a way of showing all details of venues which have been allocated less than two events including those with no allocations. Event table gets details of venue indirectly from concert table using a join, No foreign in event for Venues but there is one for concert.
Below is a code but it doesn't work as expected
SELECT v.venue_id, v.venue_name, COALESCE( x.cnt, 0 ) Venue_count FROM
venue v
LEFT JOIN concert ct ON v.venue_id = ct.venue_id
LEFT JOIN event e ON e.concert_id = ct.concert_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT concert_id, COUNT( * ) cnt
FROM event
GROUP BY concert_id )x ON ct.concert_id = x.concert_id
GROUP BY Venue_count
ORDER BY `Venue_count` DESC
I think your query can be written in an easier way
select v.venue_id, v.venue_name
from venue v
left join
concert ct
on v.venue_id = ct.venue_id
left join
event e
on e.concert_id = ct.concert_id
group by v.venue_id, v.venue_name
having count(distinct e.event_id) < 2
This will go from venues
to concerts
and from concerts
to events
, counting the number of events for each venue and returning only those with less than two. Venues with no allocations will be preserved by the usage of left join