I am new to javascripts. I am using Google Maps JavaScript API to include the Autocomplete functionality in my site. The code demands an API key to perform.
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MY_API_KEY&libraries=places"></script>
I want to protect this API key as this is publicly available and anyone canview my javascript code using view page source
on the browser.
How can I protect this API key so that it can not be seen publicly??
There are numerous sorts of API keys for Google Maps.
Browser / Javascript keys are meant to be used for fetching JS / Frontend libraries and are okay to use.
Simply ensure you're using a browser key, found here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
You can further add security restrictions to prevent the key from being used elsewhere. You can restrict by domain, ip address, android, ios apps as well.
Note, server-side keys should be private.