I'm trying to deploy my app on PythonAnywhere. Everything is running ok, but when I call a function, my app fails.
Exception Type: JSONDecodeError Exception Value: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
I have been reading another answers, but no one is working for me. The problem is this piece of code:
parametros = {'location': lugar, 'API_KEY': api_code}
url = 'http://servizos.meteogalicia.es/apiv3/findPlaces'
# Enviamos la peticion
peticion = requests.get(url, parametros)
# Obtenemos la respuesta
respuesta = json.loads(peticion.text)
The same error:
parametros = {'location': lugar, 'API_KEY': api_code, 'format': 'application/json'}
url = 'http://servizos.meteogalicia.es/apiv3/findPlaces'
# Enviamos la peticion
peticion = requests.get(url, parametros)
# Obtenemos la respuesta
respuesta = json.loads(peticion.text)
And the JSON seems to be valid:
(Posted on behalf of the OP).
I received this support message, so the problem is solved:
Ah! Sorry, I really should have spotted that first. Free users are restricted to accessing sites on a whitelist of websites with official documented APIs, and for some reason I thought the site was already on the whitelist.
I'll add it now and let you know when it's active.