I've a locale file in my Rails application that works fine with Rails, but when I tried to use it with react_on_rails rake task (rake react_on_rails:locale
) I'm getting this error:
Psych::BadAlias: Unknown alias: item_attributes
I found that the rake task is basically calling YAML.safe_load
, so I prepared the simplest example without Rails and the error is still there. Here's the sample Ruby script:
require 'yaml'
And here's the test.yml file (shorter version of the actual locale file):
language: Polski
dictionary_name: simple
line_item: &item_attributes
variant: Produkt
quantity: Ilosc
price: Cena Netto
total_price: Wartosc Netto
vat_rate: VAT
total_vat_amount: Kwota VAT
total_gross_price: Wartosc Brutto
<<: *item_attributes
I'm still getting the error:
/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.3.1/lib/ruby/2.3.0/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb:402:in `visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias': Unknown alias: item_attributes (Psych::BadAlias)
Any ideas why this works fine with Rails but fails here? Any other way to avoid duplication in the YAML file and make it work for both Rails and YAML.safe_load
I found an answer in the Psych documentation, at https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.1.0/libdoc/psych/rdoc/Psych.html.
Aliases can be explicitly allowed by changing the aliases parameter. For example:
x = []
x << x
yaml = Psych.dump x
Psych.safe_load yaml # => raises an exception
Psych.safe_load yaml, [], [], true # => loads the aliases
Whether to allow aliases or not is a boolean passed to safe_load
as the fourth argument.