I've coded out a zip-download, but the problem that i'm facing is that i can't manage to give the .zip a custom filename It keeps giving me some random name like these "ff22f3dc-24dc-41cb-b83d-06acef1694d0.zip". Is there an option or something similar to set it?
The way I init my download is by using this piece of code. I'm not working with an 'a' tag btw.
window.location = URL.createObjectURL(content);
I'm thankful for every advice.
EDIT: this zip contains Excel files (working with JSZIP Utils)
According to this page in the documentation, it's possible to use the FileSaver polyfill to give your download a custom filename. It only works on modern browsers though, you will need to use feature detection to fall back to the default behaviour.
See if this works:
try {
var isFileSaverSupported = !!new Blob;
} catch (e) {}
jszip.generateAsync({ type: "blob" })
.then(function(content) {
if(isFileSaverSupported) {
saveAs(content, "custom_filename.zip");
} else {
window.location = URL.createObjectURL(content);