In order to pull events from Axis camera using ONVIF, I've created the following:
CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse pullPointSubscriptionResponse = event.createPullPointSubscription(parameters);
PullPointSubscription pullPointSubscription = pullPointSubscriptionResponse.getSubscriptionReference().getPort(PullPointSubscription.class);
PullMessages pullMessagesParameters = new PullMessages();
javax.xml.datatype.Duration duration = DatatypeFactory.createDuration("PT1M");
try {
PullMessagesResponse pullMessageResponse =
} catch (PullMessagesFaultResponse_Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
int d = 1;
catch(TopicNotSupportedFault | TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFault | InvalidTopicExpressionFault
| InvalidMessageContentExpressionFault | InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFault
| UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFault | NotifyMessageNotSupportedFault | ResourceUnknownFault
| UnsupportedPolicyRequestFault | InvalidFilterFault | SubscribeCreationFailedFault
| UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFault e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
My problem is that when pullMessages is executed, the web service is created with SOAP1.1, while the camera expects SOAP1.2 (I get version mismatch error response).
The createPullPointSubscription creates a good version web service, since I've created is with JaxWsProxyFactoryBean and i've set the binding myself. I cannot create the pull messages WS the same way, because I don't have the reference points that are encapsulated into the pullPointSubscription object (and they are private).
I'm looking for a way to let PullPointSubscription be aware of the current SOAP version, so I'll be able to receive the event response.
I've solved this problem in a bit of a workaround. I've extracted the private parameters from the response using .toString(), parsed the string, extracted the parameters, and created a new PullPointSubscription object with the right version and parameters.