I am working on a problem in which i have to generate a unique id for user but i am not able to figure it out how to break the while loop inside a Promise.Following function will find if the user with same ref_id exist or not and then return me a resolve promise.
function makeRefId() {
return new Promise(function(resolve , reject){
var refId = null;
var flag = true;
var tempUser ;
refId = randomId(); //this will return a random string
tempUser = User.findOneAsync({ref_id:refId}).then(function(user){
if(user == null)
flag = false;
I'd go with a recursive function for this. While loops don't mix well with promises, as they're asynchronous.
function makeRefId() {
const refId = randomId();
return User.findOneAsync({ ref_id: refId }).then((user) => {
if (!user) {
return refId;
} else {
return makeRefId();
You'd then use it as so:
makeRefId().then(refId => {
// Do whatever with refId