There's already a question and it has an answer here, however it doesn't work the way I expect it.
# Assume my radius is 1 for simplicity
x = cos(s) * sin(t)
y = sin(s) * sin(t)
z = cos(t)
When t=0, regardless of my s,
# Since sin 0 = 0 on x
# and y and z is independent of s
So here's how my world is
But actually when s increases, the point on the sphere varies, doesn't remain at (0,0,1). For eg. if my s=(-45)deg and t=0, point on sphere should be (0,0.707,0.707) right?
UPDATE: Here's what I need:
(s,t) | (x,y,z)
(0,0) | (0,0,1)
(45,0) | (.707,0,0.707)
(90,0) | (1,0,0)
(180,0) | (0,0,-1)
(270,0) | (-1,0,0)
(0,-45) | (0,0.707,0.707)
(0,45) | (0,-0.707,0.707)
But I don't get those results from the above equations...! What do I do?
with your formula t=0
means that you are at pole so the radius is zero. No matter what s
is the output should be always (x,y,z)=(0,0,1)
. If you need the standard spherical coordinates instead use this:
x = cos(s) * cos(t)
y = sin(s) * cos(t)
z = sin(t)
s = <0,360> [deg]
t = <-90,+90> [deg]
for (s=45deg,t=0deg)
it should return (x,y,z)=(0.707,0.707,0.000)
PS. I am not sure why you have mixed coordinates y,z
instead of x,y
in OP.
To match your image reference frame try to use these:
x = sin(s) * cos(t)
y = - sin(t)
z = cos(s) * cos(t)
s = <0,360> [deg]
t = <-90,+90> [deg]