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vtable: Underlying algorithm

My understanding of vtables is that, if I have a class Cat with a virtual function speak() with subclasses Lion and HouseCat, there is a vtable which maps speak() to the correct implementation for each Subclass. So a call


Compiles to


That is, a look-up in the vtable position 0 and a call of the function pointer in this position.

My question is: What happens on multiple inheritance?

Let's add a class Pet. Pet has virtual functions speak() and eat(). HouseCat extends Pet, while Lion does not. Now, I need to make sure that

Compiles as


That is vtable[0] needs to be speak(). needs to be slot 1. That is because cat.speak() needs to access slot 0 in the vtable, and if, for a HouseCat, slot 0 happens to be eat, this will go horribly wrong.

How does the compiler ensure that the vtable indexes fit together?


  • Nothing is set by the spec, but typically the compiler would generate one vtable for every immediate non-virtual base class, plus one vtable for the deriving class - and then the vtable for the first base class and the vtable for the derived class will be merged.

    So more concretely, what the compiler generates when constructing the classes:

    • Cat

      [vptr | Cat fields]
       [0]: speak()
    • Pet

      [vptr | Pet fields]
       [0]: eat()
    • Lion

      [vptr | Cat fields | Lion fields]
       [0]: speak()
    • HouseCat

      [vptr | Cat fields | vptr | Pet fields | HouseCat fields]
       [0]: speak()        [0]: eat()

    What the compiler generates on calls / casts (variable name is the static type name):

    • cat.speak()
      • obj[0][0]() - valid for Cat, Lion and the "Cat" part of HouseCat
      • obj[0][0]() - valid for Pet and the "Pet" part of HouseCat
    • lion.speak()
      • obj[0][0]() - valid for Lion
    • houseCat.speak()
      • obj[0][0]() - valid for the "Cat" part of HouseCat
      • obj[Cat size][0]() - valid for the "Pet" part of HouseCat
    • (Cat)houseCat
      • obj
    • (Pet)houseCat
      • obj + Cat size

    So I guess the key thing that confused you is that (1) multiple vtables are possible and (2) upcasts might actually return a different address.