I am trying to implement a custom validation function which can return either true
(if the field is valid) or some custom error message. Here's my current attempt:
global.Messages = Models.Messages = new Mongo.Collection 'messages'
MessagesSchema = new SimpleSchema({
content: {
type: String,
label: "Message",
max: 200,
custom: ->
if @obj.content.includes("a")
"not contain a"
}, {tracker: Tracker})
Messages.attachSchema MessagesSchema
This is a contrived example but still, it's not working. The conditional in the custom
function is run, and when true
gets returned then the record does save. However, if "not contain a"
gets returned, it does not become the validation message displayed on the client. It just says content is invalid
, and I'm not sure how to customize this message. Here's the template code:
{{#autoForm collection="Messages" id="insertMessageForm" type="insert"}}
<legend>Add message</legend>
{{> afFieldInput type='text' name='content'}}
{{#if afFieldIsInvalid name='content'}}
<span class="help-block">{{afFieldMessage name='content'}}</span>
<button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary'>Insert</button>
There were a few problems with my original code.
First of all, I didn't specify how I was requiring SimpleSchema
but it should be done this way; this uses the new node-simpl-schema
package which is what meteor-simple-schema
migrated to:
SimpleSchema = require('simpl-schema').default
Validation messages are mapped to keys:
"notA": "doesnt contain a"
The messages
and en
hashes are necessary for it to be the correct structure.
important point: the return value of custom
is not the message that gets displayed on the client. It is a key, pointing to the entry in the default messages object.
For example:
custom: ->
if @obj.content.includes("a")
This will end up showing the message "doesnt contain a"